Renata Nascimento

Renata Nascimento Email and Phone Number

Coordenadora Docente @ Escola Paulista De Direito

Renata Nascimento's Contact Information

Renata Nascimento work email

Renata Nascimento personal email


Renata Nascimento phone numbers

Renata Nascimento's Current Company Details

Escola Paulista De Direito

Coordenadora Docente
Higher Education

Renata Nascimento Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Renata Nascimento

What company does Renata Nascimento work for?

Renata Nascimento works for Escola Paulista De Direito

What is Renata Nascimento's role in his/her workplace?

Renata Nascimento's role in his/her workplace is Coordenadora Docente.

Which industry does Renata Nascimento work in currently?

Renata Nascimento works in the industry Higher Education.

What is Renata Nascimento's email address?

Renata Nascimento's email address is

What is Renata Nascimento's direct phone number?

Renata Nascimento's direct phone number is +551132733614

Who are Renata Nascimento's colleagues?

Renata Nascimento's colleagues are Daniel De Freitas Castilho, Daniel De Freitas Castilho, Lara Beatriz, Lara Beatriz, Erick Vidigal, Erick Vidigal, Alberione Da Silva, Alberione Da Silva, Fernando Belfort, Fernando Belfort, and Geciara Silva. and Gabrielle Lucas.

Who are Renata Nascimento's peers at other companies?

Renata Nascimento's peers at other companies are Elliot Shek, Amy Whitbred, Leif Jahn, Declan Mcloughlin, Mustafa Tanriverdi, and Fernanda Ortiz. and Barry Cardin. Renata Nascimento's peers at other companies are Elliot Shek, Amy Whitbred, Leif Jahn, Declan Mcloughlin, Mustafa Tanriverdi, and Fernanda Ortiz. and Barry Cardin.