Regina Pitts

Regina Pitts Email and Phone Number

knoxville, tennessee, united states

Regina Pitts's Contact Information

Regina Pitts work email

Regina Pitts personal email


Regina Pitts phone numbers

Regina Pitts's Current Company Details

Abs National Auto Services, Inc

Account Manager
knoxville, tennessee, united states

Regina Pitts Work Experience

    Account Manager
    Abs National Auto Services, Inc Aug 95 - Present · 29 yrs 5 mos
    Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
    I am the account manager assisting many of the major fleet/leasing companies with their out of stock requests. I work with many different dealers so I am able to locate any make or model any where in the US. This enables the fleet companies to pursue other business opportunities knowing that I will be handling their out of stocks quickly and professionally to get the best price.

Regina Pitts Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Regina Pitts

What company does Regina Pitts work for?

Regina Pitts works for Abs National Auto Services, Inc

What is Regina Pitts's role in his/her workplace?

Regina Pitts's role in his/her workplace is Account Manager.

Which industry does Regina Pitts work in currently?

Regina Pitts works in the industry Automotive.

What is Regina Pitts's email address?

Regina Pitts's email address is

What is Regina Pitts's direct phone number?

Regina Pitts's direct phone number is +18652510828

What schools did Regina Pitts attend?

Regina Pitts attended Arkansas State University.

Who are Regina Pitts's colleagues?

Regina Pitts's colleagues are Susan Crass, Susan Crass, Vilma Rodriguez, Vilma Rodriguez, Hope Thoms, Hope Thoms, Samantha Ilardi, Samantha Ilardi, Heather Johnson, Heather Johnson, and Wendi Wheeler. and Emily Brown.

Who are Regina Pitts's peers at other companies?

Regina Pitts's peers at other companies are Frank Plock, Oshin Moras, Ilias Kaforos, Guadalupe Villafaña, Adapa Chand, and Beom-Jae Kim. and Walter Jurgens. Regina Pitts's peers at other companies are Frank Plock, Oshin Moras, Ilias Kaforos, Guadalupe Villafaña, Adapa Chand, and Beom-Jae Kim. and Walter Jurgens.