Raunak Srivastava

Raunak Srivastava Email and Phone Number

Sales Coordinator @ Microgenesis Cadsoft Pvt. Ltd.
bangalore, karnataka, india

Raunak Srivastava's Current Company Details


Microgenesis Cadsoft Pvt. Ltd.

Sales Coordinator
bangalore, karnataka, india
Computer Software

Raunak Srivastava Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Raunak Srivastava

What company does Raunak Srivastava work for?

Raunak Srivastava works for Microgenesis Cadsoft Pvt. Ltd.

What is Raunak Srivastava's role in his/her workplace?

Raunak Srivastava's role in his/her workplace is Sales Coordinator.

Which industry does Raunak Srivastava work in currently?

Raunak Srivastava works in the industry Computer Software.

Who are Raunak Srivastava's colleagues?

Raunak Srivastava's colleagues are Suraj Chorage, Suraj Chorage, Dipon Mondal, Dipon Mondal, Vamsee Varma, Vamsee Varma, Sridhar S, Sridhar S, Namitha K, Namitha K, and Vasu Dev. and Vishwanath Bhat.

Who are Raunak Srivastava's peers at other companies?

Raunak Srivastava's peers at other companies are Liam Crehan, Jannika Kampschuur, Paul Melliere, Viola Hechl-Schmied, Andrea Fields, and Ace Piedad. and Ben Appleby. Raunak Srivastava's peers at other companies are Liam Crehan, Jannika Kampschuur, Paul Melliere, Viola Hechl-Schmied, Andrea Fields, and Ace Piedad. and Ben Appleby.