Rajendar Giri

Rajendar Giri Email and Phone Number

Marketing Executive @ Indusind Bank
gurgaon, haryana, india

Rajendar Giri's Current Company Details


Indusind Bank

Marketing Executive
gurgaon, haryana, india

Rajendar Giri Work Experience

  • indusind.com
    Marketing Executive
    Indusind Bank Jan 08 - Present · 17 yrs
    Gurgaon, Haryana, India

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Frequently Asked Questions about Rajendar Giri

What company does Rajendar Giri work for?

Rajendar Giri works for Indusind Bank

What is Rajendar Giri's role in his/her workplace?

Rajendar Giri's role in his/her workplace is Marketing Executive.

Which industry does Rajendar Giri work in currently?

Rajendar Giri works in the industry Banking.

Who are Rajendar Giri's colleagues?

Rajendar Giri's colleagues are Amruth Ram, Amruth Ram, Abhijith Rai, Abhijith Rai, Arun Singh, Arun Singh, Atulya Srivastava, Atulya Srivastava, Ganesh Anand, Ganesh Anand, and Deepak Narang. and Vivek Thool.

Who are Rajendar Giri's peers at other companies?

Rajendar Giri's peers at other companies are Franco Reboredo, Marta Baggi, Kai Andersen, Harish Thakre, Mukund Joshi, and Shalim Basheer. and Beatrice Bischoff. Rajendar Giri's peers at other companies are Franco Reboredo, Marta Baggi, Kai Andersen, Harish Thakre, Mukund Joshi, and Shalim Basheer. and Beatrice Bischoff.