Racine Mbaye

Racine Mbaye Email and Phone Number

Assistant De Superviseur @ A.p. Moller - Maersk
copenhagen, capital region, denmark

Racine Mbaye's Current Company Details


A.P. Moller - Maersk

Assistant De Superviseur
copenhagen, capital region, denmark
International Trade And Development

Racine Mbaye Work Experience

  • maersk.com
    Assistant De Superviseur
    A.P. Moller - Maersk 2016 - Present · 9 yrs 1 mo
    Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark

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Frequently Asked Questions about Racine Mbaye

What company does Racine Mbaye work for?

Racine Mbaye works for A.p. Moller - Maersk

What is Racine Mbaye's role in his/her workplace?

Racine Mbaye's role in his/her workplace is Assistant De Superviseur.

Which industry does Racine Mbaye work in currently?

Racine Mbaye works in the industry International Trade And Development.

Who are Racine Mbaye's colleagues?

Racine Mbaye's colleagues are Abdur Shahid, Abdur Shahid, Akbar Abdi, Akbar Abdi, Enid Devon, Enid Devon, Kay Thaiwahdana, Kay Thaiwahdana, Alexander Vasilev, Alexander Vasilev, and Adithya Naidu. and Thomas Mathew.

Who are Racine Mbaye's peers at other companies?

Racine Mbaye's peers at other companies are Fatim Zhora, Juan Beltrán, Malak Issa, Erdinç Yariş, Rick Aolna, and Latin Francisco. and Ellie Scowcroft. Racine Mbaye's peers at other companies are Fatim Zhora, Juan Beltrán, Malak Issa, Erdinç Yariş, Rick Aolna, and Latin Francisco. and Ellie Scowcroft.