Luca Quaglia

Luca Quaglia Email and Phone Number

Wellington And Wairarapa, New Zealand @ Branz
porirua, wellington, new zealand

Luca Quaglia's Contact Details

Luca Quaglia work email

Luca Quaglia personal email


Luca Quaglia's Current Company Details


Wellington And Wairarapa, New Zealand
porirua, wellington, new zealand
Building Physicist at BRANZ

Luca Quaglia Work Experience

    Building Physicist
    Branz 2006 - 2013 · 7 yrs
    Porirua, Wellington, New Zealand
    Graduate Research Assistant
    University Of Otago 2005 - 2005 ·
    Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand
    Graduate Research Assistant
    Cea 1998 - 2002 · 4 yrs
    France, Aquitaine, France
    Graduate Research Assistant
    Milan, Lombardia, Italy

Luca Quaglia Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Luca Quaglia

What company does Luca Quaglia work for?

Luca Quaglia works for Branz

What is Luca Quaglia's role in his/her workplace?

Luca Quaglia's role in his/her workplace is Wellington And Wairarapa, New Zealand.

Which industry does Luca Quaglia work in currently?

Luca Quaglia works in the industry Research.

What is Luca Quaglia's email address?

Luca Quaglia's email address is

What schools did Luca Quaglia attend?

Luca Quaglia attended Politecnico Di Milano, Politecnico Di Milano. Paris - Sud University (Paris Xi), Paris - Sud University (Paris Xi). and École Polytechnique.

What is Luca Quaglia's role in his workplace?

Luca Quaglia has skills like Latex, Science, and Numerical Analysis.

Who are Luca Quaglia's colleagues?

Luca Quaglia's colleagues are Alan Bickers, Alan Bickers, Alex Disher, Alex Disher, Janette Stevenson, Janette Stevenson, James Quilter, James Quilter, Emil Mesaros, Emil Mesaros, and Anna Walsh. and Vera Chan.

Who are Luca Quaglia's peers at other companies?

Luca Quaglia's peers at other companies are Chintamani Deshmukh, Andrew Espindola, Arturo Buscarino, Dadie Kouassi, Víctor Rodríguez, and Ahmad Ahmad_miranshahi. and Amanda Scruggs. Luca Quaglia's peers at other companies are Chintamani Deshmukh, Andrew Espindola, Arturo Buscarino, Dadie Kouassi, Víctor Rodríguez, and Ahmad Ahmad_miranshahi. and Amanda Scruggs.