Preeti Verma

Preeti Verma Email and Phone Number

bombay, maharashtra, india

Preeti Verma's Current Company Details

Intelenet Global Services

bombay, maharashtra, india
Total work experience is several years in IT Industry as Sr. Manager, HR at KPMG Handling Talent Acquisition for the Middle East Worked on Contract-to-hire (Contract to hire) & Full time Hiring across all industries like Travel Management, Financial Services, Manufacturing etc. with a team of 50 members spread across different locations in the region and successfully placed over 200+ candidates

Preeti Verma Work Experience

Preeti Verma Education

    M G Girls College Firozabad

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Frequently Asked Questions about Preeti Verma

What company does Preeti Verma work for?

Preeti Verma works for Intelenet Global Services

What is Preeti Verma's role in his/her workplace?

Preeti Verma's role in his/her workplace is Co-Founder.

Which industry does Preeti Verma work in currently?

Preeti Verma works in the industry Outsourcing/Offshoring.

What schools did Preeti Verma attend?

Preeti Verma attended M G Girls College Firozabad.

What is Preeti Verma's role in his workplace?

Preeti Verma has skills like Performance Appraisal, and Ability To Adapt In A New Environment.

Who are Preeti Verma's colleagues?

Preeti Verma's colleagues are Suchit Manchikatla, Suchit Manchikatla, Rajiv Antony, Rajiv Antony, Shekar Deshmukh, Shekar Deshmukh, Lavanya Elangovan, Lavanya Elangovan, Seema Bharate, Seema Bharate, and Mohseen Waghani. and Andrea Mcdonald.

Who are Preeti Verma's peers at other companies?

Preeti Verma's peers at other companies are Ekaterina Kaliberova, Cristian Ecea, Gayathri Sarangapani, Hemant Gujral, Praveen Roy, and Shashank Agrahari. and Prakhar Mehrotra. Preeti Verma's peers at other companies are Ekaterina Kaliberova, Cristian Ecea, Gayathri Sarangapani, Hemant Gujral, Praveen Roy, and Shashank Agrahari. and Prakhar Mehrotra.