Preeti Chhabra

Preeti Chhabra Email and Phone Number

Finance And Accounting Manager @ Serene Corporation
naperville, illinois, united states

Preeti Chhabra's Contact Information

Preeti Chhabra work email

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Preeti Chhabra's Current Company Details

Serene Corporation

Finance And Accounting Manager
naperville, illinois, united states
Information Technology And Services
Finance and Accounting Manager at Serene Corporation

Preeti Chhabra Work Experience

    Finance And Accounting Manager
    Naperville, Illinois, United States
    Serene Corporation is a Systems Integration company located in the San Francisco Bay Area. Serene serves a wide range of clients across industries such as communications, IT, media, pharmaceuticals, and financial services.Serene's primary differentiator is the quality and expertise of the personnel it hires and makes available to its clients. Serene has been successful in hiring and retaining the best talent in the industry. Our consultants have played key leadership roles on several projects and have the domain and technical expertise needed to make our clients successful.

Preeti Chhabra Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Preeti Chhabra

What company does Preeti Chhabra work for?

Preeti Chhabra works for Serene Corporation

What is Preeti Chhabra's role in his/her workplace?

Preeti Chhabra's role in his/her workplace is Finance And Accounting Manager.

Which industry does Preeti Chhabra work in currently?

Preeti Chhabra works in the industry Information Technology And Services.

What is Preeti Chhabra's email address?

Preeti Chhabra's email address is

What is Preeti Chhabra's direct phone number?

Preeti Chhabra's direct phone number is +14089868544

What schools did Preeti Chhabra attend?

Preeti Chhabra attended Northwestern Polytechnic University.

Who are Preeti Chhabra's colleagues?

Preeti Chhabra's colleagues are Atul Chauhan, Atul Chauhan, Mahesh Pawar, Mahesh Pawar, Gaurav Varute, Gaurav Varute, Asrar Husain, Asrar Husain, Rashmi Awasthi, Rashmi Awasthi, and Narendra Ellanti. and Nagesh Reddy.

Who are Preeti Chhabra's peers at other companies?

Preeti Chhabra's peers at other companies are Sandro Shoji, Dinesh Nt, Talita Travassos, Olivia Hutt, Anwar Yusuf, and Snehal Patil. and Björkvall Yngve. Preeti Chhabra's peers at other companies are Sandro Shoji, Dinesh Nt, Talita Travassos, Olivia Hutt, Anwar Yusuf, and Snehal Patil. and Björkvall Yngve.