Praveenkumar Hullur

Praveenkumar Hullur Email and Phone Number

Full-Stack Developer @ Kodnest
bangalore, karnataka, india

Praveenkumar Hullur's Current Company Details


Full-Stack Developer
bangalore, karnataka, india
Computer Software
I am Praveenkumar, I am a recent graduate, who completed my bachelor's degree with Karnataka University Dharwad in the field of computer science and did an internship with Kodnest with good skills in core Java, python, Html, CSS, Javascript, and SQL. I'm a self-motivated and hardworking individual. I believe in customer satisfaction, and quality work and I'll complete the given task on time. I assure every work assigned to me will be completed with all my efficiency and will provide a good result.

Praveenkumar Hullur Work Experience

    Full-Stack Developer
    Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Praveenkumar Hullur Education

    Global College Of Computer Application
    Bachelor Of Arts 2019 - 2022

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Frequently Asked Questions about Praveenkumar Hullur

What company does Praveenkumar Hullur work for?

Praveenkumar Hullur works for Kodnest

What is Praveenkumar Hullur's role in his/her workplace?

Praveenkumar Hullur's role in his/her workplace is Full-Stack Developer.

Which industry does Praveenkumar Hullur work in currently?

Praveenkumar Hullur works in the industry Computer Software.

What schools did Praveenkumar Hullur attend?

Praveenkumar Hullur attended Global College Of Computer Application.

Who are Praveenkumar Hullur's colleagues?

Praveenkumar Hullur's colleagues are Subhamoy Chatterjee, Subhamoy Chatterjee, Yunus Ameen, Yunus Ameen, Kiran Seelam, Kiran Seelam, Arjun Manilal, Arjun Manilal, Harshitha Ck, Harshitha Ck, and Vasu Reddy. and Kirankumar K.

Who are Praveenkumar Hullur's peers at other companies?

Praveenkumar Hullur's peers at other companies are Petr Brukner, Abhishek Mirajkar, Concha Obregón, Valerie Ray, Lisa Pattyn, and Sarah Holland. and Jaco Kruger. Praveenkumar Hullur's peers at other companies are Petr Brukner, Abhishek Mirajkar, Concha Obregón, Valerie Ray, Lisa Pattyn, and Sarah Holland. and Jaco Kruger.