Praneeth K

Praneeth K Email and Phone Number

Senior Dotnet Developer @ Walgreens
deerfield, illinois, united states

Praneeth K's Current Company Details


Senior Dotnet Developer
deerfield, illinois, united states

Praneeth K Work Experience

    Senior Dotnet Developer
    Deerfield, Illinois, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Praneeth K

What company does Praneeth K work for?

Praneeth K works for Walgreens

What is Praneeth K's role in his/her workplace?

Praneeth K's role in his/her workplace is Senior Dotnet Developer.

Which industry does Praneeth K work in currently?

Praneeth K works in the industry Retail.

Who are Praneeth K's colleagues?

Praneeth K's colleagues are Madeline Bush, Madeline Bush, Matt Kelme, Matt Kelme, Yaxira Cintron, Yaxira Cintron, Jubin David, Jubin David, Alexandros Pitsakis, Alexandros Pitsakis, and Hiulam Kam. and Kiara N.

Who are Praneeth K's peers at other companies?

Praneeth K's peers at other companies are Thabiso Sele, Davis Schaub, Sarah Winfrey, Taylor Browning, Walter Serrano, and Sophie Simmonds. and Benazir Serna. Praneeth K's peers at other companies are Thabiso Sele, Davis Schaub, Sarah Winfrey, Taylor Browning, Walter Serrano, and Sophie Simmonds. and Benazir Serna.