Phoebe Khor

Phoebe Khor Email and Phone Number

Payroll Officer @ Certis
singapore, singapore

Phoebe Khor's Contact Details

Phoebe Khor personal email

Phoebe Khor's Current Company Details


Payroll Officer
singapore, singapore
Security And Investigations

Phoebe Khor Work Experience

    Payroll Officer
    Singapore, Central Singapore, Singapore

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Frequently Asked Questions about Phoebe Khor

What company does Phoebe Khor work for?

Phoebe Khor works for Certis

What is Phoebe Khor's role in his/her workplace?

Phoebe Khor's role in his/her workplace is Payroll Officer.

Which industry does Phoebe Khor work in currently?

Phoebe Khor works in the industry Security And Investigations.

What is Phoebe Khor's email address?

Phoebe Khor's email address is

Who are Phoebe Khor's colleagues?

Phoebe Khor's colleagues are Tan Xian, Tan Xian, Angela Yeung, Angela Yeung, Nurfitriah Ismail, Nurfitriah Ismail, Benjamin Koh, Benjamin Koh, Hull Alusine, Hull Alusine, and Eric Tham. and Yu Lin.

Who are Phoebe Khor's peers at other companies?

Phoebe Khor's peers at other companies are Felipe Stanicki, Marina Barnard, Karen Hale, Jesse Zhu, Laurence Mack, and Bltasky Cruz. and Jan Dekker. Phoebe Khor's peers at other companies are Felipe Stanicki, Marina Barnard, Karen Hale, Jesse Zhu, Laurence Mack, and Bltasky Cruz. and Jan Dekker.