Phillip Rhodes

Phillip Rhodes Email and Phone Number

Emeritus Composer-In-Residence And Andrew W. Mellon Professor Of The Humanities @ Carleton College
united states

Phillip Rhodes's Contact Information

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Phillip Rhodes's Current Company Details

Carleton College

Emeritus Composer-In-Residence And Andrew W. Mellon Professor Of The Humanities
united states
Higher Education
Born and raised in western North Carolina, his work is as strongly influenced by the traditional music of the Appalachian South as it is by the works of Bartok, Schoenberg, and Stravinsky. His output ranges from operas to works for Orff instruments with children’s voices, and from Gershwin settings to Bluegrass breakdowns.

Phillip Rhodes Work Experience

    Emeritus Composer-In-Residence And Andrew W. Mellon Professor Of The Humanities
    Carleton College 1971 - Present · 54 yrs
    Northfield, Minnesota, United States

Phillip Rhodes Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Phillip Rhodes

What company does Phillip Rhodes work for?

Phillip Rhodes works for Carleton College

What is Phillip Rhodes's role in his/her workplace?

Phillip Rhodes's role in his/her workplace is Emeritus Composer-In-Residence And Andrew W. Mellon Professor Of The Humanities.

Which industry does Phillip Rhodes work in currently?

Phillip Rhodes works in the industry Higher Education.

What is Phillip Rhodes's email address?

Phillip Rhodes's email address is

What schools did Phillip Rhodes attend?

Phillip Rhodes attended Yale University, Yale University. and Duke University.

Who are Phillip Rhodes's colleagues?

Phillip Rhodes's colleagues are Michael Church, Michael Church, Sam Patterson, Sam Patterson, Lauren Witmer, Lauren Witmer, Latoya Beck, Latoya Beck, Julie Anderson, Julie Anderson, and Carolyn Fure-Slocum. and Chico Zimmerman.

Who are Phillip Rhodes's peers at other companies?

Phillip Rhodes's peers at other companies are Rhinehart Alycia, Demitrice Whaley, Muzaffer Erdoğan, Kelly Aguirre, John Venturini, and Faizah Fairooz. and Eric Porras. Phillip Rhodes's peers at other companies are Rhinehart Alycia, Demitrice Whaley, Muzaffer Erdoğan, Kelly Aguirre, John Venturini, and Faizah Fairooz. and Eric Porras.