Philip Bell

Philip Bell Email and Phone Number

Mechanical Engineer @ Honeywell
morristown, new jersey, united states

Philip Bell's Contact Details

Philip Bell work email

Philip Bell personal email


Philip Bell phone numbers

Philip Bell's Current Company Details


Mechanical Engineer
morristown, new jersey, united states
Electrical/electronic Manufacturing

Philip Bell Work Experience

Philip Bell Education

    University Of Cincinnati College Of Engineering
    Mechanical Engineering
    Mechanical Engineering 2010 - 2015

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Frequently Asked Questions about Philip Bell

What company does Philip Bell work for?

Philip Bell works for Honeywell

What is Philip Bell's role in his/her workplace?

Philip Bell's role in his/her workplace is Mechanical Engineer.

Which industry does Philip Bell work in currently?

Philip Bell works in the industry Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing.

What is Philip Bell's email address?

Philip Bell's email address is

What is Philip Bell's direct phone number?

Philip Bell's direct phone number is +15135829936

What schools did Philip Bell attend?

Philip Bell attended University Of Cincinnati College Of Engineering, University Of Cincinnati College Of Engineering. and University Of Cincinnati.

What is Philip Bell's role in his workplace?

Philip Bell has skills like Solidworks, Matlab, Catia, Solid Edge, Problem Solving, 5s, Microsoft Office, Autocad, Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint, Manufacturing, and Engineering.

Who are Philip Bell's colleagues?

Philip Bell's colleagues are Michelle Heinze, Michelle Heinze, Souhail Zaoui, Souhail Zaoui, Mohamed Nabil, Mohamed Nabil, Madhu Kumar, Madhu Kumar, Torres Juan, Torres Juan, and Zifa Zhang. and Ramy Hossam.

Who are Philip Bell's peers at other companies?

Philip Bell's peers at other companies are Aarón Pérez, Stevie Murdie, Afrin Wassan, Blake Brill, Brett Hauke, and Laurent Nivet. and Jitesh Sahu. Philip Bell's peers at other companies are Aarón Pérez, Stevie Murdie, Afrin Wassan, Blake Brill, Brett Hauke, and Laurent Nivet. and Jitesh Sahu.