Paula Scott

Paula Scott Email and Phone Number

lexington, south carolina, united states

Paula Scott's Current Company Details

Lexington County School District One

lexington, south carolina, united states
Primary/secondary Education

Paula Scott Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Paula Scott

What company does Paula Scott work for?

Paula Scott works for Lexington County School District One

What is Paula Scott's role in his/her workplace?

Paula Scott's role in his/her workplace is Homemaker.

Which industry does Paula Scott work in currently?

Paula Scott works in the industry Primary/Secondary Education.

Who are Paula Scott's colleagues?

Paula Scott's colleagues are Patti Oakes, Patti Oakes, Angie Derrenbacher, Angie Derrenbacher, Mitch Hudson, Mitch Hudson, Michelle Vestal, Michelle Vestal, Randy Lucas, Randy Lucas, and David Chestnut. and Dawn Zaffiro.

Who are Paula Scott's peers at other companies?

Paula Scott's peers at other companies are Kelly Thomas, Fevola Theresa, Kim Nieuw, Isabela De Paula Andrade, Adel Otto, and Maisara Yahya. and Ade Tayo. Paula Scott's peers at other companies are Kelly Thomas, Fevola Theresa, Kim Nieuw, Isabela De Paula Andrade, Adel Otto, and Maisara Yahya. and Ade Tayo.