Paul Kemsley

Paul Kemsley Email and Phone Number

Medical Technician @ Nhs England
london, england, united kingdom

Paul Kemsley's Current Company Details

Nhs England

Medical Technician
london, england, united kingdom
Hospital & Health Care

Paul Kemsley Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Paul Kemsley

What company does Paul Kemsley work for?

Paul Kemsley works for Nhs England

What is Paul Kemsley's role in his/her workplace?

Paul Kemsley's role in his/her workplace is Medical Technician.

Which industry does Paul Kemsley work in currently?

Paul Kemsley works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

Who are Paul Kemsley's colleagues?

Paul Kemsley's colleagues are Wendy Walker, Wendy Walker, Maxine Burnett, Maxine Burnett, Ana-Maria Stavaru, Ana-Maria Stavaru, Kate Rule, Kate Rule, Fiona O'hagan, Fiona O'hagan, and Paul Longstaff. and Andrew Foulkes.

Who are Paul Kemsley's peers at other companies?

Paul Kemsley's peers at other companies are Anthony Liang, Grace Lacey, Trina Wiseman, Jeff Bradley, Valentina Lara-Erazo, and Natalie Ogaro. and Gerri Mwangi. Paul Kemsley's peers at other companies are Anthony Liang, Grace Lacey, Trina Wiseman, Jeff Bradley, Valentina Lara-Erazo, and Natalie Ogaro. and Gerri Mwangi.