Pablo Derqui

Pablo Derqui Email and Phone Number

Actor @ Teatre Lliure
catalunya, catalonia, spain

Pablo Derqui's Contact Information

Pablo Derqui personal email

Pablo Derqui's Current Company Details

Teatre Lliure

catalunya, catalonia, spain
Performing Arts

Pablo Derqui Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Pablo Derqui

What company does Pablo Derqui work for?

Pablo Derqui works for Teatre Lliure

What is Pablo Derqui's role in his/her workplace?

Pablo Derqui's role in his/her workplace is Actor.

Which industry does Pablo Derqui work in currently?

Pablo Derqui works in the industry Performing Arts.

What is Pablo Derqui's email address?

Pablo Derqui's email address is

Who are Pablo Derqui's colleagues?

Pablo Derqui's colleagues are Ed Botelho, Ed Botelho, Ona Pont, Ona Pont, Benattou Berrahou, Benattou Berrahou, Cesar Fraga, Cesar Fraga, Bàrbara Bautista, Bàrbara Bautista, and Núria Masachs. and Oriol Salinas.

Who are Pablo Derqui's peers at other companies?

Pablo Derqui's peers at other companies are Anna Thirkettle, Emilie Ava, Alice Andrieux, Dzsenifer Nemeth, June Stern, and Lesley Cornwall. and Richard Watkines. Pablo Derqui's peers at other companies are Anna Thirkettle, Emilie Ava, Alice Andrieux, Dzsenifer Nemeth, June Stern, and Lesley Cornwall. and Richard Watkines.