Ozge Schevernels

Ozge Schevernels Email and Phone Number

Supply Chain Planner @ Neste
espoo, uusimaa, finland

Ozge Schevernels's Current Company Details



Supply Chain Planner
espoo, uusimaa, finland
Oil & Energy

Ozge Schevernels Work Experience

  • neste.com
    Supply Chain Planner
    Espoo, Uusimaa, Finland

Frequently Asked Questions about Ozge Schevernels

What company does Ozge Schevernels work for?

Ozge Schevernels works for Neste

What is Ozge Schevernels's role in his/her workplace?

Ozge Schevernels's role in his/her workplace is Supply Chain Planner.

Which industry does Ozge Schevernels work in currently?

Ozge Schevernels works in the industry Oil & Energy.

Who are Ozge Schevernels's colleagues?

Ozge Schevernels's colleagues are Jenny Puurtinen, Jenny Puurtinen, Erik Alvarez, Erik Alvarez, Noel Saloranta, Noel Saloranta, Atte Elonen, Atte Elonen, Olli Ritakallio, Olli Ritakallio, and Yurii Bezpaliukh. and Teppo Rajala.

Who are Ozge Schevernels's peers at other companies?

Ozge Schevernels's peers at other companies are Misagh Td, Sreerag Kunholimeethal, Milan Hinic, John Yeo, Fatima Benlazar, and Vusal Salahov. and Juan Poveda. Ozge Schevernels's peers at other companies are Misagh Td, Sreerag Kunholimeethal, Milan Hinic, John Yeo, Fatima Benlazar, and Vusal Salahov. and Juan Poveda.