Oscar Contreras

Oscar Contreras Email and Phone Number

Supernumerario @ Postobon S.a.
medellin, antioquia, colombia

Oscar Contreras's Current Company Details


Postobon S.A.

medellin, antioquia, colombia
Food & Beverages

Oscar Contreras Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Oscar Contreras

What company does Oscar Contreras work for?

Oscar Contreras works for Postobon S.a.

What is Oscar Contreras's role in his/her workplace?

Oscar Contreras's role in his/her workplace is Supernumerario.

Which industry does Oscar Contreras work in currently?

Oscar Contreras works in the industry Food & Beverages.

Who are Oscar Contreras's colleagues?

Oscar Contreras's colleagues are Yolanda Torres, Yolanda Torres, Valentina Gutierrez, Valentina Gutierrez, Angie Del Gordo, Angie Del Gordo, Valeria González, Valeria González, Yuliana Cano, Yuliana Cano, and Nondier Gomez. and Alexander Ladino.

Who are Oscar Contreras's peers at other companies?

Oscar Contreras's peers at other companies are Melisa Escudero, Zoe Baltierra, Neil Shorter, Fiona Bonnici, Robert Place, and Desiree Pereira. and Manda Martinez. Oscar Contreras's peers at other companies are Melisa Escudero, Zoe Baltierra, Neil Shorter, Fiona Bonnici, Robert Place, and Desiree Pereira. and Manda Martinez.