Osariemen Imafidon

Osariemen Imafidon Email and Phone Number

Thermal And Fluid Science Engineer @ Cummins Inc.
columbus, indiana, united states

Osariemen Imafidon's Contact Details

Osariemen Imafidon work email

Osariemen Imafidon personal email


Osariemen Imafidon's Current Company Details


Cummins Inc.

Thermal And Fluid Science Engineer
columbus, indiana, united states

Osariemen Imafidon Work Experience

  • cummins.com
    Thermal And Fluid Science Engineer
    Cummins Inc. Jun 20 - Present · 4 yrs 8 mos
    Columbus, Indiana, United States
    ❖ Manage, tune, and validate team’s calibration content for pre-released programs for all high horse-power engines across the business for production release phase.❖ Perform testing using analytical and calibration tools such as CDAT, PCAN, LUIS to validate existing and new features that protect the system from failure modes and reducing customer pain.❖ Understand and investigate uniqueness of engine architecture and provide validation methods to be discussed with stakeholders.❖ Communicate with customers/stakeholders to plan and analyze the test and simulation processes of the engine design. Show less
  • cummins.com
    Engineering Intern Analyst
    Chevron Jul 17 - Sep 17 · 2 mos
    San Ramon, California, United States
    * ● Independently developed a database of critical heat exchangers in the facility to be used for online exchanger monitoring. Review was performed from PFDs, P&IDs and Process Overview documents * ● Identified and documented instrumentation (pressure, temperature & flow) gaps on the critical exchangers. These gaps were added to the turnaround list for installation * ● Participated in training sessions on the configuration of HEXMON (online monitoring of heat transfer coefficients on heat exchangers). * ● Performed operator routine duties while understudying Gas Plant operators
  • cummins.com
    Thermal And Fluid Science Intern
    Cummins Inc. May 18 - Aug 19 · 1 yr 3 mos
    Columbus, Indiana, United States
    * ● Developed MATLAB script to automatically process over 600 large data files and reduce data processing time by 90%● Performed complex statistical analysis during correlational studies by estimating population statistics using Minitab statistical software and Microsoft Excel spreadsheet● Scientifically identified a significant correlation between engine angular acceleration and the transient load steps to enhance the transient response of the engine by reducing engine speed excursions by 10%● Analyzed data from 2000 RAM pickup test trucks to predict trends indicating unintended performance deficiencies● Determined the impact of implementing a lower engine exhaust temperature target table to improve exhaust catalyst performance● Worked on sustainability initiative projects to reduce the carbon footprints of Cummins and its employees● Digitized engine tear down review procedure for a 23L genset Show less
  • cummins.com
    Community Assistant And Desk Assistant
    University Of Mississippi Nov 16 - May 20 · 3 yrs 6 mos
    University, Mississippi, United States
    * ● Help with the personal and academic concerns of residents * ● Foster unity among residents by organizing floor, wing and hall activities and programs * ● Work out group conflicts among residents, report and document all activities or emergencies as appropriate * ● Provide information, services, and support to residents * ● Monitor ingress/ egress from the building, and complete all desk log accurately and legibly

Osariemen Imafidon Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Osariemen Imafidon

What company does Osariemen Imafidon work for?

Osariemen Imafidon works for Cummins Inc.

What is Osariemen Imafidon's role in his/her workplace?

Osariemen Imafidon's role in his/her workplace is Thermal And Fluid Science Engineer.

Which industry does Osariemen Imafidon work in currently?

Osariemen Imafidon works in the industry Automotive.

What is Osariemen Imafidon's email address?

Osariemen Imafidon's email address is oimafidon@olemiss.edu

What schools did Osariemen Imafidon attend?

Osariemen Imafidon attended University Of Mississippi.

What is Osariemen Imafidon's role in his/her workplace?

Osariemen Imafidon has skills like Microsoft Office, and Matlab.

Who are Osariemen Imafidon's colleagues?

Osariemen Imafidon's colleagues are Gautham Babu, Gautham Babu, Robert Coros, Robert Coros, Luis Ramírez, Luis Ramírez, Katherine Mack, Katherine Mack, Tanmay Inamdar, Tanmay Inamdar, and Naputt Areethamsirikul. and Oulėye Diallo.

Who are Osariemen Imafidon's peers at other companies?

Osariemen Imafidon's peers at other companies are Tengyee Lai, Bill Lea, Jean-Michel Marais, Michał Matusiak, Johanna Lantenet, and Tyler Hines. and Randall Kemper. Osariemen Imafidon's peers at other companies are Tengyee Lai, Bill Lea, Jean-Michel Marais, Michał Matusiak, Johanna Lantenet, and Tyler Hines. and Randall Kemper.