Orsolya Mideczki

Orsolya Mideczki Email and Phone Number

Assistent @ Offline Group
budapest, budapest, hungary

Orsolya Mideczki's Current Company Details


Offline Group

budapest, budapest, hungary
Events Services

Orsolya Mideczki Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Orsolya Mideczki

What company does Orsolya Mideczki work for?

Orsolya Mideczki works for Offline Group

What is Orsolya Mideczki's role in his/her workplace?

Orsolya Mideczki's role in his/her workplace is Assistent.

Which industry does Orsolya Mideczki work in currently?

Orsolya Mideczki works in the industry Events Services.

Who are Orsolya Mideczki's colleagues?

Orsolya Mideczki's colleagues are Gábor Mikola, Gábor Mikola, Leyla Andurmak, Leyla Andurmak, Kriszta Szebellédi, Kriszta Szebellédi, and Balázs Ertli. and Viktor Molnar.

Who are Orsolya Mideczki's peers at other companies?

Orsolya Mideczki's peers at other companies are Ketheli Milena, Nayim Khan, Franklin Meza, Steeve Pasche, Shehram Khan, and Laila Hareb. and Rebecca Sharenow. Orsolya Mideczki's peers at other companies are Ketheli Milena, Nayim Khan, Franklin Meza, Steeve Pasche, Shehram Khan, and Laila Hareb. and Rebecca Sharenow.