Olufunke Akinboboye

Olufunke Akinboboye Email and Phone Number

fort worth, texas, united states

Olufunke Akinboboye's Contact Details

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Olufunke Akinboboye's Current Company Details


Continuum Pediatrics

fort worth, texas, united states
Medical Practice
I love working with the pediatrics to care nature their needs

Olufunke Akinboboye Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Olufunke Akinboboye

What company does Olufunke Akinboboye work for?

Olufunke Akinboboye works for Continuum Pediatrics

What is Olufunke Akinboboye's role in his/her workplace?

Olufunke Akinboboye's role in his/her workplace is Nurse.

Which industry does Olufunke Akinboboye work in currently?

Olufunke Akinboboye works in the industry Medical Practice.

What is Olufunke Akinboboye's email address?

Olufunke Akinboboye's email address is olufunke.akinboboye@continuumtx.com

What schools did Olufunke Akinboboye attend?

Olufunke Akinboboye attended American University.

Who are Olufunke Akinboboye's colleagues?

Olufunke Akinboboye's colleagues are Brandi Johnson, Brandi Johnson, Elaine Hertzog, Elaine Hertzog, Chris Fulton, Chris Fulton, Nancy Wolckhko, Nancy Wolckhko, Laura Lambie, Laura Lambie, and Margaret Outlaw. and Hattie W.

Who are Olufunke Akinboboye's peers at other companies?

Olufunke Akinboboye's peers at other companies are Waqar Haider, Shu-Fan Wang, Ann Cruz, Laura Oneil, Rebecca Bobo, and Naomi Ragsdale. and Juan Ortiz. Olufunke Akinboboye's peers at other companies are Waqar Haider, Shu-Fan Wang, Ann Cruz, Laura Oneil, Rebecca Bobo, and Naomi Ragsdale. and Juan Ortiz.