Nugroho Pangestu

Nugroho Pangestu Email and Phone Number

Fat Department Head @ Kalimantan Prima Persada, Pt
jakarta, jakarta, indonesia

Nugroho Pangestu's Contact Information

Nugroho Pangestu work email

Nugroho Pangestu personal email


Nugroho Pangestu's Current Company Details

Kalimantan Prima Persada, Pt

Fat Department Head
jakarta, jakarta, indonesia
Mining & Metals

Nugroho Pangestu Work Experience

Nugroho Pangestu Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Nugroho Pangestu

What company does Nugroho Pangestu work for?

Nugroho Pangestu works for Kalimantan Prima Persada, Pt

What is Nugroho Pangestu's role in his/her workplace?

Nugroho Pangestu's role in his/her workplace is Fat Department Head.

Which industry does Nugroho Pangestu work in currently?

Nugroho Pangestu works in the industry Mining & Metals.

What is Nugroho Pangestu's email address?

Nugroho Pangestu's email address is

What schools did Nugroho Pangestu attend?

Nugroho Pangestu attended University Of Brawijaya.

What is Nugroho Pangestu's role in his workplace?

Nugroho Pangestu has skills like Tax Accounting, Financial Accounting, Financial Planning, and Management Accounting.

Who are Nugroho Pangestu's colleagues?

Nugroho Pangestu's colleagues are Yarusman Faluzi, Yarusman Faluzi, Adhi Muhammad, Adhi Muhammad, Asep Gunawan, Asep Gunawan, Muhammad Basri, Muhammad Basri, Tatag Bianeka, Tatag Bianeka, and Akt Egi Rinaldi. and Fakhry Ajie.

Who are Nugroho Pangestu's peers at other companies?

Nugroho Pangestu's peers at other companies are Chris Balzer, Yan Prabawa, Josmayanto Tobing, Jose Morales, Katrina James, and Andrew Wright. and Cristiane Moura. Nugroho Pangestu's peers at other companies are Chris Balzer, Yan Prabawa, Josmayanto Tobing, Jose Morales, Katrina James, and Andrew Wright. and Cristiane Moura.