Nicholas Robinson

Nicholas Robinson Email and Phone Number

Lifeguard @ Georgetown Aquatics
rockville, maryland, united states

Nicholas Robinson's Current Company Details

Georgetown Aquatics

rockville, maryland, united states
Investment Banking
Recent graduate with knowledge in the areas of international and domestic economics, congressional behavior, and monetary and economic policies. I am looking to bring my knowledge in these subjects areas to a company focused in the areas previously mentioned areas.

Nicholas Robinson Work Experience

    Pool Manager
    Georgetown Aquatics Sep 19 - Aug 20 · 11 mos
    Rockville, Maryland, United States
    Frederick and Montgomery Counties, MD Pool Chemical Certified
    Delivery Driver
    Potomac Pizza Dec 18 - Aug 19 · 8 mos
    Rockville, Maryland, United States
    I worked here as one of my summer jobs back when I was in high school. There wasn't much to it, I was just required to drop off food from our store locations to the surrounding neighborhoods. And the food needed to be warm, on time, and the correct order.
    Georgetown Aquatics May 16 - Mar 23 · 6 yrs 10 mos
    Rockville, Maryland, United States
    I work at Potomac Glen pool, which is managed by Georgetown Aquatics, every summer as a lifeguard. As a lifeguard I'm expected to make sure all the pool patrons are safe and the surrounding area is safe. I was also required to set the pool up and maintain it during the season.

Nicholas Robinson Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Nicholas Robinson

What company does Nicholas Robinson work for?

Nicholas Robinson works for Georgetown Aquatics

What is Nicholas Robinson's role in his/her workplace?

Nicholas Robinson's role in his/her workplace is Lifeguard.

Which industry does Nicholas Robinson work in currently?

Nicholas Robinson works in the industry Investment Banking.

What schools did Nicholas Robinson attend?

Nicholas Robinson attended Arizona State University.

What is Nicholas Robinson's role in his workplace?

Nicholas Robinson has skills like Organization Skills, Engaging People, Lifeguarding, Social Listening, and Communication.

Who are Nicholas Robinson's colleagues?

Nicholas Robinson's colleagues are Kyle Heppner, Kyle Heppner, Shannon Dawe, Shannon Dawe, and Katelyn Karis. and Matt O'neill.

Who are Nicholas Robinson's peers at other companies?

Nicholas Robinson's peers at other companies are Saurabh Kulshrestha, Santosh Babu, Toshiaki Tanaka, Sean Choi, Wahid Choudhury, and Mary Galluccu. and Alex Colon. Nicholas Robinson's peers at other companies are Saurabh Kulshrestha, Santosh Babu, Toshiaki Tanaka, Sean Choi, Wahid Choudhury, and Mary Galluccu. and Alex Colon.