Nicholas Robinson

Nicholas Robinson Email and Phone Number

Maritime Law Enforcement @ U.s. Coast Guard
washington, district of columbia, united states

Nicholas Robinson's Contact Information

Nicholas Robinson work email

Nicholas Robinson personal email


Nicholas Robinson's Current Company Details

U.S. Coast Guard

Maritime Law Enforcement
washington, district of columbia, united states

Nicholas Robinson Work Experience

    Maritime Law Enforcement
    U.S. Coast Guard Apr 08 - Present · 16 yrs 9 mos
    Washington, District Of Columbia, United States
    The mission of the U.S. Coast Guard is to protect the public, the environment, and U.S. economic interests — in the nation's ports and waterways, along the coast, on international waters, or in any maritime region as required to support national security.As one of the five branches of the Armed Forces, the U.S. Coast Guard is vital to our nation's safety and security. U.S. Coast Guard personnel are the backbone of America's maritime security. They represent the diverse makeup of our nation and support not only those on active duty but also families, veterans, and retirees through education, training and benefit programs. The U.S. Coast Guard also employs a topnotch civilian workforce, with more than 7,000 positions in nearly 100 locations nationwide. Search for Jobs and Internships at more about our service: Coast Guard Compass: http://coastguard.dodlive.milCoast Guard All Hands: http://allhands.coastguard.dodlive.milCoast Guard Maritime Commons:

Nicholas Robinson Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Nicholas Robinson

What company does Nicholas Robinson work for?

Nicholas Robinson works for U.s. Coast Guard

What is Nicholas Robinson's role in his/her workplace?

Nicholas Robinson's role in his/her workplace is Maritime Law Enforcement.

Which industry does Nicholas Robinson work in currently?

Nicholas Robinson works in the industry Military.

What is Nicholas Robinson's email address?

Nicholas Robinson's email address is

What schools did Nicholas Robinson attend?

Nicholas Robinson attended Heritage High School, Heritage High School. and American Military University.

What is Nicholas Robinson's role in his workplace?

Nicholas Robinson has skills like Maritime Law Enforcement, and Military.

Who are Nicholas Robinson's colleagues?

Nicholas Robinson's colleagues are Dennis Mortensen, Dennis Mortensen, Dwight Atkinson, Dwight Atkinson, Mario Gonzalez, Mario Gonzalez, Wanda Watts, Wanda Watts, Ruble Gmc, Ruble Gmc, and Ryan Bishop. and Katherine Botterbrodt.

Who are Nicholas Robinson's peers at other companies?

Nicholas Robinson's peers at other companies are Eric Schreckengost, Jasper Brian, Robert Niccolini, Cedric Shaw, Ian Mowatt, and Tyler Florey. and Jazmín Sosa. Nicholas Robinson's peers at other companies are Eric Schreckengost, Jasper Brian, Robert Niccolini, Cedric Shaw, Ian Mowatt, and Tyler Florey. and Jazmín Sosa.