Nemat Ullah

Nemat Ullah Email and Phone Number

quetta, balochistan, pakistan

Nemat Ullah's Current Company Details


quetta, balochistan, pakistan

Nemat Ullah Work Experience

    Buitems End date missing
    Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan

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Frequently Asked Questions about Nemat Ullah

What company does Nemat Ullah work for?

Nemat Ullah works for Buitems

Which industry does Nemat Ullah work in currently?

Nemat Ullah works in the industry Semiconductors.

Who are Nemat Ullah's colleagues?

Nemat Ullah's colleagues are Muhmammad Younis, Muhmammad Younis, Zahid Wazir, Zahid Wazir, Ehsan Nazeer, Ehsan Nazeer, Akram Khan, Akram Khan, Abdullah Baig, Abdullah Baig, and Rehan Abbasi. and Babrak Panezai.

Who are Nemat Ullah's peers at other companies?

Nemat Ullah's peers at other companies are Keiji Fukushima, Nancy Jurnak, Matthew Minnig, Tammy Khor, Oscar Barragan, and Ravi Shankar. and Boris Vinarsky. Nemat Ullah's peers at other companies are Keiji Fukushima, Nancy Jurnak, Matthew Minnig, Tammy Khor, Oscar Barragan, and Ravi Shankar. and Boris Vinarsky.