Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid

Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid Email and Phone Number

General Manager Operations @ Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad
kuala lumpur, kuala lumpur, malaysia

Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid's Current Company Details

Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad

General Manager Operations
kuala lumpur, kuala lumpur, malaysia

Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid

What company does Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid work for?

Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid works for Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad

What is Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid's role in his/her workplace?

Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid's role in his/her workplace is General Manager Operations.

Which industry does Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid work in currently?

Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid works in the industry Insurance.

Who are Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid's colleagues?

Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid's colleagues are Alina Tee, Alina Tee, Zaharatunlaily Zaharudin, Zaharatunlaily Zaharudin, Dalina Johari, Dalina Johari, Suzanah Ashaari, Suzanah Ashaari, Abdul Zuraida, Abdul Zuraida, and Syaripuddin Kamaruddin. and Nafisa Yahaya.

Who are Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid's peers at other companies?

Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid's peers at other companies are Hana Al Oraifi, Felicia Avenell, Joselyn Del, Sierra Newcomb, Kathy Van Putten, and Antoni Krzewski. and Terry Burke. Nazrul Bin Ab Hamid's peers at other companies are Hana Al Oraifi, Felicia Avenell, Joselyn Del, Sierra Newcomb, Kathy Van Putten, and Antoni Krzewski. and Terry Burke.