Naveen Kumar

Naveen Kumar Email and Phone Number

Ios App Developer @ Xicom Technologies Ltd
san francisco, california, united states

Naveen Kumar's Current Company Details

Xicom Technologies Ltd

Ios App Developer
san francisco, california, united states
Information Technology And Services
My experience have prepared me well for this position. You mentioned that iOS App developer is a big part of this job, I spent 2.5+ year working in a high-volume of learning and identifying solutions.

Naveen Kumar Work Experience

Naveen Kumar Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Naveen Kumar

What company does Naveen Kumar work for?

Naveen Kumar works for Xicom Technologies Ltd

What is Naveen Kumar's role in his/her workplace?

Naveen Kumar's role in his/her workplace is Ios App Developer.

Which industry does Naveen Kumar work in currently?

Naveen Kumar works in the industry Information Technology And Services.

What schools did Naveen Kumar attend?

Naveen Kumar attended Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University. Govt Boys Senior Secondary High School, Govt Boys Senior Secondary High School. Shantiniketan Jubille School, Shantiniketan Jubille School. Swami Vivekanand Institute Of Engg. & Technology, Ramnagar, Swami Vivekanand Institute Of Engg. & Technology, Ramnagar. Govt. Boys Senior Secondary High School, Govt. Boys Senior Secondary High School. and Shantiniketan Jubilee School.

Who are Naveen Kumar's peers at other companies?

Naveen Kumar's peers at other companies are Daisy Samuel, Katelyn Bauer, Madhavi Desale, David Diaz-Arriola, Mangesh Wagh, and Pebbeti Bhagath. and Lakshmana Lakshmana.g. Naveen Kumar's peers at other companies are Daisy Samuel, Katelyn Bauer, Madhavi Desale, David Diaz-Arriola, Mangesh Wagh, and Pebbeti Bhagath. and Lakshmana Lakshmana.g.