Narmin Davidli

Narmin Davidli Email and Phone Number

Narmin Davidli @ Telic Ag
oberhaching, bayern, germany

Narmin Davidli's Contact Details

Narmin Davidli work email

Narmin Davidli personal email


Narmin Davidli's Current Company Details

Telic Ag

Narmin Davidli
oberhaching, bayern, germany

Narmin Davidli Work Experience

    Inside Sales
    Telic Ag End date missing
    Oberhaching, Bayern, Germany
    Auszubildende Im Bereich Büromanagement
    Telic Ag End date missing
    Oberhaching, Bayern, Germany
    Telic GmbH, with its headquarters in Oberhaching near Munich, develops and markets telematics and telemetry products on a worldwide basis. The telematics products are deployed in a B2B context for professional vehicles (e.g. trucks, construction and agricultural vehicles), for asset tracking as well as for applications used in the insurance industry.These products are based on leading mobile network standards like GSM and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) technologies such as GPS and GLONASS. Telic specializes in supporting providers of tracking centres and Telematics Service Providers (TSPs) with the integration of Telic Products into their tracking or M2M solutions. With its deep-rooted technology know-how, Telic GmbH has become in recent years one of the most innovative manufacturers of tracking, black-box and remote monitoring products.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Narmin Davidli

What company does Narmin Davidli work for?

Narmin Davidli works for Telic Ag

What is Narmin Davidli's role in his/her workplace?

Narmin Davidli's role in his/her workplace is Narmin Davidli.

Which industry does Narmin Davidli work in currently?

Narmin Davidli works in the industry Wireless.

What is Narmin Davidli's email address?

Narmin Davidli's email address is

Who are Narmin Davidli's colleagues?

Narmin Davidli's colleagues are Elena John, Elena John, Franziska Prommersberger, Franziska Prommersberger, Robert Mcilvenny, Robert Mcilvenny, Gerhard Peinl, Gerhard Peinl, Rafał Pietruszka, Rafał Pietruszka, and Andrzej Najwer. and Maroine Trabelsi.

Who are Narmin Davidli's peers at other companies?

Narmin Davidli's peers at other companies are Arliss Shook, Ajay Sahu, Sathish Mani, Kotchi Kouassi, Sonal Khode, and Gerardo Tovar. and Aaron Allred. Narmin Davidli's peers at other companies are Arliss Shook, Ajay Sahu, Sathish Mani, Kotchi Kouassi, Sonal Khode, and Gerardo Tovar. and Aaron Allred.