Naresh Maddela

Naresh Maddela Email and Phone Number

bombay, maharashtra, india

Naresh Maddela's Current Company Details

Negi Sign Systems & Supplies Co.

Service Engineer
bombay, maharashtra, india

Naresh Maddela Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Naresh Maddela

What company does Naresh Maddela work for?

Naresh Maddela works for Negi Sign Systems & Supplies Co.

What is Naresh Maddela's role in his/her workplace?

Naresh Maddela's role in his/her workplace is Service Engineer.

Which industry does Naresh Maddela work in currently?

Naresh Maddela works in the industry Printing.

Who are Naresh Maddela's colleagues?

Naresh Maddela's colleagues are Divya Kotian, Divya Kotian, Parmesh Var, Parmesh Var, Avadhesh Kumar, Avadhesh Kumar, Narender Negi, Narender Negi, Vadi Raj, Vadi Raj, and Gauri Potnis. and Jignesh Vaishnav.

Who are Naresh Maddela's peers at other companies?

Naresh Maddela's peers at other companies are Thiago Carvalhaes, François Dotto, Djörvin Bremer, David Waddle, Tom Ladoux, and Richard Musters. and Nicky Alexander. Naresh Maddela's peers at other companies are Thiago Carvalhaes, François Dotto, Djörvin Bremer, David Waddle, Tom Ladoux, and Richard Musters. and Nicky Alexander.