Naghmeh Pour

Naghmeh Pour Email and Phone Number

united arab emirates

Naghmeh Pour's Current Company Details


united arab emirates
Education Management
teacher at IAU-SRB

Naghmeh Pour Work Experience

    Iau Sep 12 - Sep 14 · 2 yrs
    United Arab Emirates
    I was teaching general English in different Faculties.

Naghmeh Pour Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Naghmeh Pour

What company does Naghmeh Pour work for?

Naghmeh Pour works for Iau

Which industry does Naghmeh Pour work in currently?

Naghmeh Pour works in the industry Education Management.

What schools did Naghmeh Pour attend?

Naghmeh Pour attended Humboldt University Of Berlin.

Who are Naghmeh Pour's colleagues?

Naghmeh Pour's colleagues are Babak Azari, Babak Azari, Karim Jahangiri, Karim Jahangiri, Saleh Soltani, Saleh Soltani, Nader Haghighi, Nader Haghighi, Atousa Hoseinnejad, Atousa Hoseinnejad, and Azamossadat Nourbakhsh. and Mehran Darrehshiri.

Who are Naghmeh Pour's peers at other companies?

Naghmeh Pour's peers at other companies are Melanie Crews, Colleen Flynn, Kat Grant, Trevor Matthews, Lilit Ovsepian, and Marc Van Lammeren. and Joann Wright. Naghmeh Pour's peers at other companies are Melanie Crews, Colleen Flynn, Kat Grant, Trevor Matthews, Lilit Ovsepian, and Marc Van Lammeren. and Joann Wright.