Murylo Batista

Murylo Batista Email and Phone Number

Housing Needs And Homelessness Prevention Research And Data Analyst @ London Borough Of Camden
london, greater london, united kingdom

Murylo Batista's Contact Information

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Murylo Batista's Current Company Details

London Borough Of Camden

Housing Needs And Homelessness Prevention Research And Data Analyst
london, greater london, united kingdom
Government Administration
I'm interested and skilled in applying research methods and bioethics to public health through GIS and spatial analysis, demographic methods, qualitative techniques, and participatory approaches. I am also a CIP-certified research ethics and compliance administrator. My areas of exploration encompass violence and trauma, addictions and substance use, and behavioral health. I am committed to working with low-income and racialized groups and promoting a decolonizing agenda to health equity.

Murylo Batista Work Experience

    Missing And Exploited Children Analyst
    London Borough Of Camden Sep 21 - Jun 22 · 9 mos
    London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Research Consultant
    United Nations Trust Fund To End Violence Against Women Feb 21 - Feb 23 · 2 yrs
    Housing Needs And Homelessness Prevention Research And Data Analyst
    London Borough Of Camden Jul 22 - Present · 2 yrs 6 mos
    London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    French Technical Consultant
    Marie Stopes International Oct 18 - Nov 18 · 1 mo
    London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Role: External consultant for translating research evaluation tools and trainings into French. Skills Learned: Producing web-based trainings; Excel in French. Research Topics: Social marketing and family planningResearch Methods: Monitoring and evaluation
    Research Assistant
    United Kingdom
    Role: Collected data for a ChildObesity180 study located at fast food chain establishments in low-income MA cities. Skills Learned: Recruiting human subjects and intercept surveying techniques. Research: Data collected included surveying parents about child's eating behaviors and collecting child's meal leftovers for nutritional content analysis.
    Portuguese Translator
    White River Junction, Vermont, United States
    Role: Served as final reviewer and English to Portuguese translator for surveys distributed in Brazil. Skills Learned: Editing surveys with respect to grammar, readability, and cultural sensitivity. Research: Market research for the aviation industry in Brazil.
    Irb And Research Compliance Associate
    Public Health Management Corporation Jul 16 - Sep 18 · 2 yrs 2 mos
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
    * Research & Evaluation Group at PHMCRole: External consultant for the National Office of the American Lung Association * evaluator of tobacco control programs in rural Pennsylvania and domestic violence programs in Philadelphia * GIS Administrator for the department. Skills Learned: Conducting program evaluation * developing client-centered relationships * providing strategy and data analysis support * collecting data using survey and qualitative methods * disseminating findings to clients * growing departmental GIS capacity * providing department-wide trainings and individual technical assistance * developing quality control mechanisms and standardization for GIS projects. Research Topics: Tobacco control and prevention, lung health, and domestic violence services in Philadelphia. Research Methods: Qualitative methods (focus groups and interviews) and GIS/spatial methods (geovisualization and spatial analysis). Show less
    Post-Baccalaureate Fellow In Teaching And Research
    Dartmouth College Sep 15 - Jun 16 · 9 mos
    Town Of Hanover, New Hampshire, United States
    * Role: Provided teaching support to introductory human geography and GIS courses and supported research activities for Professor Richard Wright. Skills Learned: Conducting quantitative spatial analysis using ArcGIS, conducting literature reviews, and assisting in manuscript publication. Grading student work and labs; developing workshops for students on qualitative and quantitative methods and essay composition.Research: Geographies of poverty and race in US metropolitan areas. Data from US Census Bureau. For more information and results, see the section on poverty at Show less
    Everfi Mar 14 - Mar 16 · 2 yrs
    Washington, District Of Columbia, United States
    Role: Provide research assistant support for a consulting firm on developing tools and strategies to advance student health in university-based settings. Skills learned: Identifying evidenced-based best practices; developing diagnostic inventories for assessing university resources; preparing quantitative findings for client reports. Research: Topic areas focused on sexual assault prevention and alcohol use prevention. Conducted meta-analysis of evidence-based best practices for the primary prevention of sexual assault at universities which informed the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault; analyzed findings of the first national community college sexual assault climate survey. Show less

Murylo Batista Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Murylo Batista

What company does Murylo Batista work for?

Murylo Batista works for London Borough Of Camden

What is Murylo Batista's role in his/her workplace?

Murylo Batista's role in his/her workplace is Housing Needs And Homelessness Prevention Research And Data Analyst.

Which industry does Murylo Batista work in currently?

Murylo Batista works in the industry Government Administration.

What is Murylo Batista's email address?

Murylo Batista's email address is

What is Murylo Batista's direct phone number?

Murylo Batista's direct phone number is +17742510090

What schools did Murylo Batista attend?

Murylo Batista attended London School Of Hygiene And Tropical Medicine, U. Of London, London School Of Hygiene And Tropical Medicine, U. Of London. London School Of Hygiene And Tropical Medicine, U. Of London, London School Of Hygiene And Tropical Medicine, U. Of London. Sturgis Charter Public School, Sturgis Charter Public School. and Dartmouth College.

What are some of Murylo Batista's interests?

Murylo Batista has interests in Health.

Who are Murylo Batista's colleagues?

Murylo Batista's colleagues are Dwaine Paul, Dwaine Paul, Geraldine Littlechild, Geraldine Littlechild, Munro Tyrone, Munro Tyrone, Bonnie Cheng, Bonnie Cheng, Amelia Brennan, Amelia Brennan, and Adeela Toor. and Paul Macdonald.

Who are Murylo Batista's peers at other companies?

Murylo Batista's peers at other companies are Belinda Tricker, Gilles Garrouste, Shantie Chikoe, Elena Bernia, Lydia Sparla, and Dick Banowetz. and Letizia Lacava. Murylo Batista's peers at other companies are Belinda Tricker, Gilles Garrouste, Shantie Chikoe, Elena Bernia, Lydia Sparla, and Dick Banowetz. and Letizia Lacava.