Muriella Felton

Muriella Felton Email and Phone Number

Chargé Des Ressources Humaines @ Ubipharm

Muriella Felton's Current Company Details


Chargé Des Ressources Humaines
Financial Services

Muriella Felton Work Experience

    Gestion Commerciale
    Ubipharm Dec 17 - Apr 22 · 4 yrs 4 mos
    Le Grand-Quevilly, Normandy, France
    Chargé Des Ressources Humaines
    Ubipharm Apr 22 - Present · 2 yrs 9 mos
    Le Grand-Quevilly, Normandy, France

Muriella Felton Education

    Université Gsi

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Frequently Asked Questions about Muriella Felton

What company does Muriella Felton work for?

Muriella Felton works for Ubipharm

What is Muriella Felton's role in his/her workplace?

Muriella Felton's role in his/her workplace is Chargé Des Ressources Humaines.

Which industry does Muriella Felton work in currently?

Muriella Felton works in the industry Financial Services.

What schools did Muriella Felton attend?

Muriella Felton attended Université Gsi.

Who are Muriella Felton's colleagues?

Muriella Felton's colleagues are Luc Konde, Luc Konde, Yanis Burner, Yanis Burner, Mathieu Parissot, Mathieu Parissot, Guillaumette Mouedi, Guillaumette Mouedi, Bastide Pitte, Bastide Pitte, and Kone Boubacar. and Amadou Ndong.

Who are Muriella Felton's peers at other companies?

Muriella Felton's peers at other companies are Emiel Davis, Shelley Osborn, Jubril Oguja, Challa Prasad, Xiaolei Dong, and Christer Friberg. and Keysha Walker. Muriella Felton's peers at other companies are Emiel Davis, Shelley Osborn, Jubril Oguja, Challa Prasad, Xiaolei Dong, and Christer Friberg. and Keysha Walker.