Murat Selvi

Murat Selvi Email and Phone Number

Sevkiyat Sorumlusu @ Eren Holding

Murat Selvi's Current Company Details

Eren Holding

Sevkiyat Sorumlusu
Alternative Dispute Resolution

Murat Selvi Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Murat Selvi

What company does Murat Selvi work for?

Murat Selvi works for Eren Holding

What is Murat Selvi's role in his/her workplace?

Murat Selvi's role in his/her workplace is Sevkiyat Sorumlusu.

Which industry does Murat Selvi work in currently?

Murat Selvi works in the industry Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Who are Murat Selvi's colleagues?

Murat Selvi's colleagues are Yusuf Kandaloglu, Yusuf Kandaloglu, Mehmet Çınar, Mehmet Çınar, Osman Tütüncü, Osman Tütüncü, Tülin Selçuk, Tülin Selçuk, Ebru Ertosun, Ebru Ertosun, and Banu Basakci. and Gamze Şensoy.

Who are Murat Selvi's peers at other companies?

Murat Selvi's peers at other companies are Poppy Boy, Colin Jones, Djamel Farouk, Eva Sancho, Arran Osman, and Georgia Chatman. and Jeremy Hoffman. Murat Selvi's peers at other companies are Poppy Boy, Colin Jones, Djamel Farouk, Eva Sancho, Arran Osman, and Georgia Chatman. and Jeremy Hoffman.