Mukkanti Gopal

Mukkanti Gopal Email and Phone Number

Supervisor @ Kec International Ltd.
bombay, maharashtra, india

Mukkanti Gopal's Current Company Details

Kec International Ltd.

bombay, maharashtra, india

Mukkanti Gopal Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mukkanti Gopal

What company does Mukkanti Gopal work for?

Mukkanti Gopal works for Kec International Ltd.

What is Mukkanti Gopal's role in his/her workplace?

Mukkanti Gopal's role in his/her workplace is Supervisor.

Which industry does Mukkanti Gopal work in currently?

Mukkanti Gopal works in the industry Construction.

Who are Mukkanti Gopal's peers at other companies?

Mukkanti Gopal's peers at other companies are Facundo Pérez, Mohd Alam, Ravi Kunchikorve, Eddie Muir, Daniela Grigolo, and John Sterken. and Markus Koistinen. Mukkanti Gopal's peers at other companies are Facundo Pérez, Mohd Alam, Ravi Kunchikorve, Eddie Muir, Daniela Grigolo, and John Sterken. and Markus Koistinen.