Muhamed B

Muhamed B Email and Phone Number

Software Developer @ Zoho
pleasanton, california, united states

Muhamed B's Current Company Details


Software Developer
pleasanton, california, united states
Information Technology And Services
I am a passion-driven Programmer and a constant learner interested in technology and Electronics. I love designing creative solutions for intricate problems.

Muhamed B Work Experience

    Assistant System Engineer
    Tata Consultancy Services May 21 - Oct 22 · 1 yr 5 mos
    Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    Summer Student
    Lema Labs Jul 17 - Aug 17 · 1 mo
    Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
    * Kaizen Robotics Program-Level 1 Student. Learned various concepts required to build basic robots. Robots built using Atmel Atmega16 : * Line Follower * Obstacle Avoider Robot * Table Top Robot * Analog to Digital Conversion based Robot * Pulse width Modulated Robot. * PC Controlled Robot
    Software Developer
    Zoho Oct 22 - Present · 2 yrs 4 mos
    Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Muhamed B Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Muhamed B

What company does Muhamed B work for?

Muhamed B works for Zoho

What is Muhamed B's role in his/her workplace?

Muhamed B's role in his/her workplace is Software Developer.

Which industry does Muhamed B work in currently?

Muhamed B works in the industry Information Technology And Services.

What schools did Muhamed B attend?

Muhamed B attended Easwari Engineering College(Srm Group).

Who are Muhamed B's colleagues?

Muhamed B's colleagues are Muhilan Prithesh, Muhilan Prithesh, Maheshwari Natarajan, Maheshwari Natarajan, Jeremiah John, Jeremiah John, Barath Kumar, Barath Kumar, Saravana Pandi, Saravana Pandi, and Karthik Papillon. and Jaise Jose.

Who are Muhamed B's peers at other companies?

Muhamed B's peers at other companies are Hong Zhao, Pooja Jain, Zack Agha, Gustavo De Sant'anna, Andy Johnson, and Adil Chaq. and Nilofar Ahmadi. Muhamed B's peers at other companies are Hong Zhao, Pooja Jain, Zack Agha, Gustavo De Sant'anna, Andy Johnson, and Adil Chaq. and Nilofar Ahmadi.