Moritz Michalak

Moritz Michalak Email and Phone Number

berlin, berlin, germany

Moritz Michalak's Contact Information

Moritz Michalak personal email

Moritz Michalak's Current Company Details

Htgf | High-Tech Gründerfonds

berlin, berlin, germany
Venture Capital & Private Equity
Student at University of Cologne

Moritz Michalak Work Experience

Moritz Michalak Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Moritz Michalak

What company does Moritz Michalak work for?

Moritz Michalak works for Htgf | High-Tech Gründerfonds

What is Moritz Michalak's role in his/her workplace?

Moritz Michalak's role in his/her workplace is Controller.

Which industry does Moritz Michalak work in currently?

Moritz Michalak works in the industry Venture Capital & Private Equity.

What is Moritz Michalak's email address?

Moritz Michalak's email address is

What schools did Moritz Michalak attend?

Moritz Michalak attended The University Of Freiburg, The University Of Freiburg. University Of Cologne, University Of Cologne. and University Of Cologne.

What are some of Moritz Michalak's interests?

Moritz Michalak has interests in Football, Football. Languages, Languages. Climbing, Climbing. Mountainbiking, Mountainbiking. and Intercultural Experiences.

Who are Moritz Michalak's colleagues?

Moritz Michalak's colleagues are Stefanie Grüter, Stefanie Grüter, Radoslaw Kaczanowski, Radoslaw Kaczanowski, Efraín Casanova, Efraín Casanova, Tobias Schulz, Tobias Schulz, Tanja Emmerling, Tanja Emmerling, and Maren Breuer. and Guido Schlitzer.

Who are Moritz Michalak's peers at other companies?

Moritz Michalak's peers at other companies are Jack Duffy, Kunlin Chen, Manish Jha, Bertrand Vernizeau, Ann Figwer, and Laura González. and Courtney Rackley. Moritz Michalak's peers at other companies are Jack Duffy, Kunlin Chen, Manish Jha, Bertrand Vernizeau, Ann Figwer, and Laura González. and Courtney Rackley.