Monish Patel

Monish Patel Email and Phone Number

Commercial Account Executive @ Tripactions
palo alto, california, united states

Monish Patel's Current Company Details


Commercial Account Executive
palo alto, california, united states
Computer Software

Monish Patel Work Experience

    Commercial Account Executive
    Tripactions Jul 19 - Present · 5 yrs 7 mos
    Palo Alto, California, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Monish Patel

What company does Monish Patel work for?

Monish Patel works for Tripactions

What is Monish Patel's role in his/her workplace?

Monish Patel's role in his/her workplace is Commercial Account Executive.

Which industry does Monish Patel work in currently?

Monish Patel works in the industry Computer Software.

Who are Monish Patel's colleagues?

Monish Patel's colleagues are Jyoti Yadav, Jyoti Yadav, Stephanie S, Stephanie S, Christine Hunt, Christine Hunt, Ricky Rex-Groves, Ricky Rex-Groves, Lucy Dong, Lucy Dong, and Judie Sendejas. and Kayla Packett.

Who are Monish Patel's peers at other companies?

Monish Patel's peers at other companies are Anna Kornilova, Bill Ball, Pallavi Phalke, Pranay Bharadwaj, Emi Lirola, and Khrystyna Kostyshyn. and Alexander Pravitel. Monish Patel's peers at other companies are Anna Kornilova, Bill Ball, Pallavi Phalke, Pranay Bharadwaj, Emi Lirola, and Khrystyna Kostyshyn. and Alexander Pravitel.