Mojtaba Darya

Mojtaba Darya Email and Phone Number

Manager @ Steel Alborz Co

Mojtaba Darya's Current Company Details

Steel Alborz Co

Obtaining SappCO A-grade badge in logistics.Mis system design, programming and implementation.Optimization of production systems with job analysis tools.

Mojtaba Darya Work Experience

Mojtaba Darya Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mojtaba Darya

What company does Mojtaba Darya work for?

Mojtaba Darya works for Steel Alborz Co

What is Mojtaba Darya's role in his/her workplace?

Mojtaba Darya's role in his/her workplace is Manager.

Which industry does Mojtaba Darya work in currently?

Mojtaba Darya works in the industry Construction.

What schools did Mojtaba Darya attend?

Mojtaba Darya attended Amirkabir University Of Technology - Tehran Polytechnic, Amirkabir University Of Technology - Tehran Polytechnic. and Azad University (Iau).

Who are Mojtaba Darya's peers at other companies?

Mojtaba Darya's peers at other companies are Marc Maurer, Tajana Frenges, Nora Gutierrez, Danny Bagley, Garry Trajano, and Mahmoud Salah. and Nikko Casas. Mojtaba Darya's peers at other companies are Marc Maurer, Tajana Frenges, Nora Gutierrez, Danny Bagley, Garry Trajano, and Mahmoud Salah. and Nikko Casas.