Mohammadali Kunnath

Mohammadali Kunnath Email and Phone Number

Operations Supervisor @ Ligabue Group
venice, veneto, italy

Mohammadali Kunnath's Current Company Details

Ligabue Group

Operations Supervisor
venice, veneto, italy

Mohammadali Kunnath Work Experience

    Operations Supervisor
    Ligabue Group Apr 17 - Present · 7 yrs 10 mos
    Venice, Veneto, Italy

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mohammadali Kunnath

What company does Mohammadali Kunnath work for?

Mohammadali Kunnath works for Ligabue Group

What is Mohammadali Kunnath's role in his/her workplace?

Mohammadali Kunnath's role in his/her workplace is Operations Supervisor.

Which industry does Mohammadali Kunnath work in currently?

Mohammadali Kunnath works in the industry Restaurants.

Who are Mohammadali Kunnath's colleagues?

Mohammadali Kunnath's colleagues are Ajith Sivabalan, Ajith Sivabalan, Atef Saadi, Atef Saadi, Moos Nesta, Moos Nesta, Massimo Cremonesi, Massimo Cremonesi, Mario Rossi, Mario Rossi, and Maurizio Vallo. and Hammernouh Nouh.

Who are Mohammadali Kunnath's peers at other companies?

Mohammadali Kunnath's peers at other companies are Tony Wisdom, De’onta Thompson, Asheda Young, Jermaine Mines, Chelsea Miller, and David Roeding. and Maka Darchiashvili. Mohammadali Kunnath's peers at other companies are Tony Wisdom, De’onta Thompson, Asheda Young, Jermaine Mines, Chelsea Miller, and David Roeding. and Maka Darchiashvili.