Mohammad Torabi

Mohammad Torabi Email and Phone Number

Student Nurse In Phd Degree @ Shahid Beheshti University
tehran, tehrān, iran

Mohammad Torabi's Current Company Details

Shahid Beheshti University

Student Nurse In Phd Degree
tehran, tehrān, iran
Higher Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mohammad Torabi

What company does Mohammad Torabi work for?

Mohammad Torabi works for Shahid Beheshti University

What is Mohammad Torabi's role in his/her workplace?

Mohammad Torabi's role in his/her workplace is Student Nurse In Phd Degree.

Which industry does Mohammad Torabi work in currently?

Mohammad Torabi works in the industry Higher Education.

Who are Mohammad Torabi's colleagues?

Mohammad Torabi's colleagues are Sepideh Zoghi, Sepideh Zoghi, Mohammad Faghihi, Mohammad Faghihi, Farzaneh Sharifiaghdas, Farzaneh Sharifiaghdas, Mahboubeh Houshiar, Mahboubeh Houshiar, Mohsen Abbasi, Mohsen Abbasi, and Majid K. and Mohammad Moayeri.

Who are Mohammad Torabi's peers at other companies?

Mohammad Torabi's peers at other companies are Sheri Eisaman, Lisa Prcin, Jiarui Wang, Syed Alam, Hilary Rohrman, and Dawn Benschoter. and Pam Marty. Mohammad Torabi's peers at other companies are Sheri Eisaman, Lisa Prcin, Jiarui Wang, Syed Alam, Hilary Rohrman, and Dawn Benschoter. and Pam Marty.