Mohamed Ali

Mohamed Ali Email and Phone Number

Mohamed Ali's Contact Details

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Mohamed Ali's Current Company Details

Am Group For Export And Import

It Section Head
Import And Export
-Highly qualified IT professional with a high career profileCommunication, Decision Making, Presentation, interpersonal skills. -Experienced in Project management, Team building, Training, Problem solving, Analytical and trouble shooting skills. -Procurement, Market Survey, contracts writing and contracts execution and follow up skills. -High orientation to PMI standards and it's implementation in IT related projects. -Commitment to strategic planes and day to day tasks and activities.-Able to work under pressure, harsh production environment and support multi site environment.Specialties: -All microsoft platform(AD, ISA ,Exchange ,SCOM,SCCM)-All Network Infrastructure (CAT5e , CAT6 , Fibre ).-Cisco Oriented.

Mohamed Ali Work Experience

Mohamed Ali Education

    Faculty Of Engineering At Ainshams University
    2000 - 2003
    Riti (The Regional It Institute )
    2013 - 2014
    Computer Institute
    1995 - 1997
    Faculty Of Engineering At Ainshams University
    2000 - 2007

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mohamed Ali

What company does Mohamed Ali work for?

Mohamed Ali works for Am Group For Export And Import

What is Mohamed Ali's role in his/her workplace?

Mohamed Ali's role in his/her workplace is It Section Head.

Which industry does Mohamed Ali work in currently?

Mohamed Ali works in the industry Import And Export.

What is Mohamed Ali's email address?

Mohamed Ali's email address is

What schools did Mohamed Ali attend?

Mohamed Ali attended Faculty Of Engineering At Ainshams University, Faculty Of Engineering At Ainshams University. Riti (The Regional It Institute ), Riti (The Regional It Institute ). Computer Institute, Computer Institute. and Faculty Of Engineering At Ainshams University.

Who are Mohamed Ali's colleagues?

Mohamed Ali's colleagues are Mohamed Abdelkader, Mohamed Abdelkader, Mina Samy, Mina Samy, Amr El-Tahawy, Amr El-Tahawy, Mina Gergis, Mina Gergis, Mohamed Salem, Mohamed Salem, and Hassan Mohamed. and Mohamed Elrahman.

Who are Mohamed Ali's peers at other companies?

Mohamed Ali's peers at other companies are Ingrid Thomassen, Danilo Eskenazi, Nick Thompson, Alessandro Addari, Junichi Tateishi, and Sandra Bv. and Antoine Canales. Mohamed Ali's peers at other companies are Ingrid Thomassen, Danilo Eskenazi, Nick Thompson, Alessandro Addari, Junichi Tateishi, and Sandra Bv. and Antoine Canales.