Moha Osman

Moha Osman Email and Phone Number

Assistant Director Forestry @ Ministry Of Environment
baghdad, baghdad, iraq

Moha Osman's Current Company Details

Ministry Of Environment

Assistant Director Forestry
baghdad, baghdad, iraq
Government Administration

Moha Osman Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Moha Osman

What company does Moha Osman work for?

Moha Osman works for Ministry Of Environment

What is Moha Osman's role in his/her workplace?

Moha Osman's role in his/her workplace is Assistant Director Forestry.

Which industry does Moha Osman work in currently?

Moha Osman works in the industry Government Administration.

What is Moha Osman's role in his workplace?

Moha Osman has skills like

Who are Moha Osman's colleagues?

Moha Osman's colleagues are Auwal Yusuf, Auwal Yusuf, Ravikant Chahar, Ravikant Chahar, Aylin Muharemi, Aylin Muharemi, Ola Puczniewska, Ola Puczniewska, Anna Chadarevian, Anna Chadarevian, and Soha Taher. and Billy Migambi.

Who are Moha Osman's peers at other companies?

Moha Osman's peers at other companies are Letizia Lacava, Belinda Tricker, Elena Bernia, Ralph Obert, Dick Banowetz, and Beatriz Craviotto. and Shantie Chikoe. Moha Osman's peers at other companies are Letizia Lacava, Belinda Tricker, Elena Bernia, Ralph Obert, Dick Banowetz, and Beatriz Craviotto. and Shantie Chikoe.