Moha Kar

Moha Kar Email and Phone Number

Pharmacist @ Iraq Foundation
washington, district of columbia, united states

Moha Kar's Current Company Details

Iraq Foundation

washington, district of columbia, united states
International Affairs

Moha Kar Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Moha Kar

What company does Moha Kar work for?

Moha Kar works for Iraq Foundation

What is Moha Kar's role in his/her workplace?

Moha Kar's role in his/her workplace is Pharmacist.

Which industry does Moha Kar work in currently?

Moha Kar works in the industry International Affairs.

Who are Moha Kar's colleagues?

Moha Kar's colleagues are Maria Abousleiman, Maria Abousleiman, Aboubayda Al Rawi, Aboubayda Al Rawi, Dhefaf Al-Jarahi, Dhefaf Al-Jarahi, Israa Basil, Israa Basil, Ameer Hassan, Ameer Hassan, and Hassan Mahdi. and Masoud Bavari.

Who are Moha Kar's peers at other companies?

Moha Kar's peers at other companies are Vanessa De Mea, Suzanne Mandong, Oluwaseyi Adeyemo, Federica Paci, Carlos Llobet, and Bhat Ajaz. and Dipifr Moustafa Abdel Rasoul Omar. Moha Kar's peers at other companies are Vanessa De Mea, Suzanne Mandong, Oluwaseyi Adeyemo, Federica Paci, Carlos Llobet, and Bhat Ajaz. and Dipifr Moustafa Abdel Rasoul Omar.