Milva Montes

Milva Montes Email and Phone Number

Registered Nurse @ Va Hospital
columbus, ohio, united states

Milva Montes's Contact Details

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Milva Montes's Current Company Details

Va Hospital

Registered Nurse
columbus, ohio, united states
Facilities Services
Experienced Registered Nurse with a demonstrated history of working in the facilities services industry. Skilled in Chemotherapy, Nursing, Hospitals, Patient Education, and Basic Life Support (BLS). Strong healthcare services professional with a BSN focused in Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse from Jacksonville University.

Milva Montes Work Experience

    Registered Nurse, Ocn
    Va Hospital End date missing
    Columbus, Ohio, United States
    Registered Nurse
    Columbus, Ohio, United States

Milva Montes Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Milva Montes

What company does Milva Montes work for?

Milva Montes works for Va Hospital

What is Milva Montes's role in his/her workplace?

Milva Montes's role in his/her workplace is Registered Nurse.

Which industry does Milva Montes work in currently?

Milva Montes works in the industry Facilities Services.

What is Milva Montes's email address?

Milva Montes's email address is

What schools did Milva Montes attend?

Milva Montes attended Jacksonville University, Jacksonville University. and Universidad Nacional Autónoma De Honduras.

What is Milva Montes's role in his workplace?

Milva Montes has skills like Chemotherapy, and Nursing.

Who are Milva Montes's colleagues?

Milva Montes's colleagues are Paula Hendrix, Paula Hendrix, Lois Brichta, Lois Brichta, Merilee Puls, Merilee Puls, Christine Moore, Christine Moore, Armando Mercado, Armando Mercado, and Rody Weis. and Chris Carle.

Who are Milva Montes's peers at other companies?

Milva Montes's peers at other companies are Wesley Verhaeghe, Colin Pollock, Scott Bolinda, Yamirt Santivañez, Gloria Mendez, and David Shoubridge. and Ginger Nase. Milva Montes's peers at other companies are Wesley Verhaeghe, Colin Pollock, Scott Bolinda, Yamirt Santivañez, Gloria Mendez, and David Shoubridge. and Ginger Nase.