Mike Mercurio

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Centers For Disease Control Zika State Coordination Task Force

Experienced Public Health Advisor with a working knowledge of public and private health program concepts, policies and delivery procedures. Dedicated health care professional with 23 years of diverse work experience at the local, state, federal and international level. Areas of expertise include Surveillance, Data Collection, Reporting and Analysis, in addition to Project Management and Program Development and Implementation

Mike Mercurio Work Experience

  • Conus Country Desk Officer And Zika Response
    Centers For Disease Control Zika State Coordination Task Force Jul 16 - Aug 16 · 1 mo
    Served as a Zika regional desk officer and support in the CDC Emergency Operations Center ( EOC). Responsible for coordination, monitoring, and communication with field teams in Puerto Rico, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands, Marshall Island and the Continental United States. In addition to daily Zika statistical updates and analysis, and presentations.
  • Cdc-Tanzania, Presidents Malaria Initiative
    Zanzibar Malaria Control Programme May 10 - Aug 10 · 3 mos
    * International Experience & Technical Assistance (IETA) Fellow May/Aug 2010 * Served as a Surveillance System Technical Advisor to the Zanzibar Malaria Control Program (ZMCP) and Tanzania’s Presidents Malaria Initiative (PMI) for a 15 week assignment. * Developed strategies and implementation of improved malaria case detection and reporting methods via the Malaria Early Epidemic Detection System (MEEDS) database analysis. * Assisted the (ZMCP) to operationalize their new data collection system to link geo-coordinates of malaria patient households to a facility based surveillance system. * Developed and presented monthly malaria surveillance reports to local health facilities, district medical officers and regional stakeholders. * Defined criteria for launching improved field investigations and other outbreak responses once clustering of affected households were identified. * Created a Health Facility, Provider list for 69 MEEDS reporting facilities
  • Regional Office Manager
    Atlanta, Georgia, United States
    Provided day to day STD/HIV/AIDS management and operations for an 11 County Regional including provision of technical assistance and disease field follow-up to each health department, in addition to processing and analyzing surveillance activities in various geographical areas across the state of North Carolina. Also collaborated and provided morbidity trend updates and periodic communicable disease training and treatment for various hospitals, jails, prisons, community based organizations and private providers.
  • Public Health Advisor
    Centers For Disease Control And Prevention Feb 98 - Jul 13 · 15 yrs 5 mos
    Atlanta, Georgia, United States
    * Disease Intervention Specialist 1990 -1991 * Primary responsibilities included interviewing and pursuing treatment for Syphilis and HIV/AIDS infected patients. * Routinely pursued follow-up and treatment of their sex partners and provided case management and disease intervention activities for all involved in the disease progression. * Consistently provided written case reports, visual case analysis and source/spread determinations when applicable, along with weekly reporting submissions to the state health department. * Conducted provider reporting in-services and STD/HIV updates on a quarterly basis. * Routinely drew field blood specimens for both Syphilis and HIV/AIDS contacts and or suspects * Collaborated with the Mecklenburg County Health Department and Iredell County Health Department on their individual disease outbreaks, high risk groups and needed screening areas to target
  • Health Advisor
    Centers For Disease Control And Prevention Jun 90 - Oct 98 · 8 yrs 4 mos
    Atlanta, Georgia, United States
    * Disease Intervention Specialist 1990 -1991 * Primary responsibilities included interviewing and pursuing treatment for Syphilis and HIV/AIDS infected patients. * Routinely pursued follow-up and treatment of their sex partners and provided case management and disease intervention activities for all involved in the disease progression. * Consistently provided written case reports, visual case analysis and source/spread determinations when applicable, along with weekly reporting submissions to the state health department. * Conducted provider reporting in-services and STD/HIV updates on a quarterly basis. * Routinely drew field blood specimens for both Syphilis and HIV/AIDS contacts and or suspects * Collaborated with the Mecklenburg County Health Department and Iredell County Health Department on their individual disease outbreaks, high risk groups and needed screening areas to target

Mike Mercurio Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mike Mercurio

What company does Mike Mercurio work for?

Mike Mercurio works for Centers For Disease Control Zika State Coordination Task Force

What is Mike Mercurio's email address?

Mike Mercurio's email address is mmercurio@cdc.gov

What is Mike Mercurio's direct phone number?

Mike Mercurio's direct phone number is +14045087783

What schools did Mike Mercurio attend?

Mike Mercurio attended Serra Catholic High School, Serra Catholic High School. Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania State University. Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania State University. University Of North Carolina At Charlotte, University Of North Carolina At Charlotte. University Of Pittsburgh, University Of Pittsburgh. Penn State University, Penn State University. and University Of North Carolina At Charlotte.