Miguel Guevara

Miguel Guevara Email and Phone Number

washington, district of columbia, united states

Miguel Guevara's Contact Information

Miguel Guevara work email

Miguel Guevara personal email


Miguel Guevara's Current Company Details


Marine Corps Recruiting

washington, district of columbia, united states

Miguel Guevara Work Experience

  • marines.com
    Washington, District Of Columbia, United States
    This is the Official LinkedIn Page of Marine Corps Recruiting.We make Marines. We win our nation's battles. We develop quality citizens. These are the promises the Marine Corps makes to our nation and to our Marines. The core values that guide us, and the leadership skills that enable us, not only make for outstanding Marines, they make for upstanding citizens. Every Marine is an ambassador for our nation and our Corps. From the day Marines earn the title through the rest of their lives, the impeccable standards of the Marine Corps are exemplified in everything they do.Marine Corps Officer candidates are evaluated on leadership, academics and physical training. To become an officer, you must excel at all three. The harder you push yourself, the more you will accomplish. You will be challenged as a leader, and learn that the success of your team is as important as your own.Visit Marines.com/Officer to learn if you have what it takes to lead Marines.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Miguel Guevara

What company does Miguel Guevara work for?

Miguel Guevara works for Marine Corps Recruiting

What is Miguel Guevara's role in his/her workplace?

Miguel Guevara's role in his/her workplace is Corporal.

Which industry does Miguel Guevara work in currently?

Miguel Guevara works in the industry Military.

What is Miguel Guevara's email address?

Miguel Guevara's email address is miguel.guevara@usmc.mil

Who are Miguel Guevara's colleagues?

Miguel Guevara's colleagues are Rodger Horsley, Rodger Horsley, Shawn Beidler, Shawn Beidler, Daniel Ralowicz, Daniel Ralowicz, Morales Arturo, Morales Arturo, Bryna Johannes, Bryna Johannes, and Jack Aubrey. and Andy Johnson.

Who are Miguel Guevara's peers at other companies?

Miguel Guevara's peers at other companies are Tara Roberts, Eric Schreckengost, Jazmín Sosa, Tyler Florey, Nicholas Robinson, and Ian Mowatt. and Jasper Brian. Miguel Guevara's peers at other companies are Tara Roberts, Eric Schreckengost, Jazmín Sosa, Tyler Florey, Nicholas Robinson, and Ian Mowatt. and Jasper Brian.