Michael Romeo

Michael Romeo Email and Phone Number

Allievo Direttore @ Mcdonald's
chicago, illinois, united states

Michael Romeo's Current Company Details



Allievo Direttore
chicago, illinois, united states
Most of my job experiences, including those not mentioned here, are in the sales field. Always loved the salesman role, being fascinated by it, and at the same time I enjoy doing something with my hands: creating something new or fixing something old is an istant reward. I always like to learn new things, and that is especially true when it comes to work. I love to face and overcome challanges, both in team or as a solo player.

Michael Romeo Work Experience

Michael Romeo Education

  • mcdonalds.com
    Liceo Classico Statale Vittorio Emanuele Ii
    2004 - 2009

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Frequently Asked Questions about Michael Romeo

What company does Michael Romeo work for?

Michael Romeo works for Mcdonald's

What is Michael Romeo's role in his/her workplace?

Michael Romeo's role in his/her workplace is Allievo Direttore.

Which industry does Michael Romeo work in currently?

Michael Romeo works in the industry Restaurants.

What schools did Michael Romeo attend?

Michael Romeo attended Liceo Classico Statale Vittorio Emanuele Ii.

Who are Michael Romeo's colleagues?

Michael Romeo's colleagues are Roger De Schryver, Roger De Schryver, Michelle Kavanagh, Michelle Kavanagh, Małgorzata Bieniek, Małgorzata Bieniek, Brandy Lueckenhoff, Brandy Lueckenhoff, Sihle Sikiti, Sihle Sikiti, and Patricia De Reynoso. and Jordan Arroyo.

Who are Michael Romeo's peers at other companies?

Michael Romeo's peers at other companies are Heather Rebert, Matthew Németh, Sarah Draper, Djida Troudart, Jernel Green, and Leanne Quirke. and Abigail Prentiss. Michael Romeo's peers at other companies are Heather Rebert, Matthew Németh, Sarah Draper, Djida Troudart, Jernel Green, and Leanne Quirke. and Abigail Prentiss.