Michael Burr

Michael Burr Email and Phone Number

Social Studies Teacher @ Msd Lawrence Township
indianapolis, indiana, united states

Michael Burr's Contact Details

Michael Burr personal email


Michael Burr phone numbers

Michael Burr's Current Company Details


Msd Lawrence Township

Social Studies Teacher
indianapolis, indiana, united states
Primary/secondary Education
social studies teacher at MSD Lawrence Township

Michael Burr Work Experience

  • ltschools.org
    Social Studies Teacher
    Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
    The tenth largest school district in the state, the MSD of Lawrence Township serves approximately 15,000 students across four Early Learning Centers, eleven Elementary Schools, two Middle Schools, two High Schools and a Center for Innovation and Technology. Throughout Indiana, Lawrence Township is recognized as a "lighthouse" school district, a reputation built over the years based on the district's award-winning staff, accomplished administrators, high-achieving students, supportive community, and innovative educational programs. Located in the northeast corner of the greater Indianapolis area, Lawrence is a residential suburban community of 95,000+ and home to Fort Benjamin Harrison State Park and Geist Reservoir. With families from widely diverse cultural, racial, and socio-economic backgrounds, the Lawrence community values and embraces diversity as one of its greatest strengths.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Michael Burr

What company does Michael Burr work for?

Michael Burr works for Msd Lawrence Township

What is Michael Burr's role in his/her workplace?

Michael Burr's role in his/her workplace is Social Studies Teacher.

Which industry does Michael Burr work in currently?

Michael Burr works in the industry Primary/Secondary Education.

What is Michael Burr's email address?

Michael Burr's email address is michaelburr@msdlt.k12.in.us

What is Michael Burr's direct phone number?

Michael Burr's direct phone number is +13175452823

What schools did Michael Burr attend?

Michael Burr attended Indiana University–purdue University Indianapolis.

Who are Michael Burr's colleagues?

Michael Burr's colleagues are Rick Wiese, Rick Wiese, Barb Pace, Barb Pace, Basketball Girls, Basketball Girls, Kathy Hazlett, Kathy Hazlett, Antonette Davis, Antonette Davis, and Thomas Black. and Alice Miley.

Who are Michael Burr's peers at other companies?

Michael Burr's peers at other companies are Anna Tcms, Parera Ziengs, Polly Alfonso, Yolynda Cooley, Helen Neill, and Yolanda Herrera. and Peter Milovanovic. Michael Burr's peers at other companies are Anna Tcms, Parera Ziengs, Polly Alfonso, Yolynda Cooley, Helen Neill, and Yolanda Herrera. and Peter Milovanovic.