Mesheal Alanazi

Mesheal Alanazi Email and Phone Number

مشرف علاقات حكومية @ Argaam Investments
riyadh, ar riyāḑ, saudi arabia

Mesheal Alanazi's Current Company Details

Argaam Investments

مشرف علاقات حكومية
riyadh, ar riyāḑ, saudi arabia
Information Services

Mesheal Alanazi Work Experience

    مشرف العلاقات الحكومية
    Shrkh Rqm L'Stthmry
    مشرف علاقات حكومية
    Argaam Investments Nov 10 - Present · 14 yrs 2 mos
    Riyadh, Ar Riyāḑ, Saudi Arabia
    تسجيل موظفين في التأمينات الأجتماعيه وقطاعات الحكومية

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mesheal Alanazi

What company does Mesheal Alanazi work for?

Mesheal Alanazi works for Argaam Investments

What is Mesheal Alanazi's role in his/her workplace?

Mesheal Alanazi's role in his/her workplace is مشرف علاقات حكومية.

Which industry does Mesheal Alanazi work in currently?

Mesheal Alanazi works in the industry Information Services.

What are some of Mesheal Alanazi's interests?

Mesheal Alanazi has interests in Social Services.

Who are Mesheal Alanazi's colleagues?

Mesheal Alanazi's colleagues are Imed Zidane, Imed Zidane, Progress Waleed Elsayed, Progress Waleed Elsayed, Aseel Bin Taleb, Aseel Bin Taleb, Mahmoud Hamdy, Mahmoud Hamdy, Mai Abdellatif, Mai Abdellatif, and Bassem Fahmy. and Yomna Swellam.

Who are Mesheal Alanazi's peers at other companies?

Mesheal Alanazi's peers at other companies are John Buenvenida, Jacob Wedge, Saro Mathai, Søren Kokholm, Suzanne Konstance, and Sharon Ahn. and Elizabeth Dempsey. Mesheal Alanazi's peers at other companies are John Buenvenida, Jacob Wedge, Saro Mathai, Søren Kokholm, Suzanne Konstance, and Sharon Ahn. and Elizabeth Dempsey.