Mensah Songo

Mensah Songo Email and Phone Number

Transit-Logistique Generale-Shipping @ Port Autonome De Lomé
lome, maritime, togo

Mensah Songo's Current Company Details

Port Autonome De Lomé

Transit-Logistique Generale-Shipping
lome, maritime, togo

Mensah Songo Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mensah Songo

What company does Mensah Songo work for?

Mensah Songo works for Port Autonome De Lomé

What is Mensah Songo's role in his/her workplace?

Mensah Songo's role in his/her workplace is Transit-Logistique Generale-Shipping.

Which industry does Mensah Songo work in currently?

Mensah Songo works in the industry Maritime.

Who are Mensah Songo's colleagues?

Mensah Songo's colleagues are Abbas Bagna, Abbas Bagna, Victor Ballo, Victor Ballo, Agbolo Ameyo, Agbolo Ameyo, Ayitevi Alognon, Ayitevi Alognon, Fabrice Afangbegnon, Fabrice Afangbegnon, and Yobe Lelongue. and Richard Kangbeni.

Who are Mensah Songo's peers at other companies?

Mensah Songo's peers at other companies are Hasmukh Chhaganbhai, Umesh Fernando, Anthony Dason, Deepu Bhaskar, Senia Benmedjahed, and Steve Hackbarth. and Par Ekstrom. Mensah Songo's peers at other companies are Hasmukh Chhaganbhai, Umesh Fernando, Anthony Dason, Deepu Bhaskar, Senia Benmedjahed, and Steve Hackbarth. and Par Ekstrom.